Safer Neighborhoods


  • Invested in the Rochester Fire Department’s emergency medical service capacity.

  • Invested an initial $500,000 in a Community Responder Model in 2025 - offering alternatives for low-priority 911 calls.

  • Through the council budget, allocated $100,000 per quadrant to support neighborhood based initiatives focused on improving quality of life.

  • Implementing vision zero focusing on the safety of our pedestrian and bicyclists - Senator Schumer secured $23M for a safer streets strategy supported by a majority of council. 

  • Accepted significant dollars from the state to reduce gun violence through the GIVE Initiative - offering prevention and case management services to those gun-involved in the community.

  • Supported the development of the Neighbors in Action (NIA) program rolling out in 2025, creating opportunities for neighborhood residents.

  • Supported over $75M to replace lead service lines are in an equitable manner across the city, protecting your safe and healthy drinking water.

Miguel will commit to:

  1. Focus on improving police/community relations by pushing for more collaborative events and community policing models.

  2. Investing more in recruitment to attract diverse candidates for all public safety positions in the city of Rochester, to attempt to reflect the melting pot of our city.

  3. Continue to support the RPD cultural immersion program to ensure officers are connected to our diverse populations. 

  4. Invest more energy and resources into our Vision Zero strategy, to include leveraging how our Zoning Alignment Project impacts pedestrian and public safety.

  5. Continue to explore alternative responses for public safety calls.

  6. Invest Opioid Settlement dollars to the neighborhoods and services most impacted by the epidemic.

Quality Housing


  • Voted to cut the property tax rate by 37.5% in the 2024-25 budget; while keeping the tax levy flat and passing a balanced budget all three years as Council President.

  • Increased home ownership opportunities through Buy the Block and allocated funds to projects like the First Genesis Housing Project.

  • Allocated $750,000 and $1,000,000 respectfully in subsequent budget years to support various affordable housing projects by covering gaps in funding.

  • Introduced legislation to allocate funds to support Peace Village - investing in site improvements and pallet shelters to accommodate rapid rehousing needs (currently under construction).

  • Served on the housing quality task force, implementing several recommendations to include increased penalties for code violations and an increase in code enforcement officers in the city.

Miguel will commit to:

  1. Continue investing city resources into single-family development for home ownership.

  2. Advocate that the Inner-loop North project push for housing development that restores the street grid and creates single family home ownership opportunities.

  3. Collaborate to create more affordable housing in the city of all types.

  4. Explore how the Landbank can contribute to creating more home ownership options.

EQuitable access to opportunities


  • Created access to job opportunities through the creation of the Roc the Block Employment Fair initiative - offering 16 events with thousands connected across all four quadrants of the city over the last four years.

  • Fully funded the “Raising a reader” program, ensuring access to opportunities to improve literacy during out of school time.

  • Increased funding for the popular MIFI program to ensure digital equity across our city, particularly in neighborhoods where there is a digital divide.

  • Developed a park maintenance program to provide youth sports organizations with resources to upkeep fields and amenities during league season operations.

  • Invested $1M in the public market to create additional vending spaces.

Miguel will commit to:

  1. Push for the development of High Falls state park - to include ensuring accessibility from the community with equity is in mind for local residents.

  2. Fully realize the development of the public market master plan vision and development.

  3. Support and invest in workforce development and training programs of the city. 

  4. Ensure all four quadrants of the city receive support, with an emphasis on the neighborhoods that have historically been marginalized and divested from.